Photo Contest ‘Hiking in Romania’

Diana Condrea
Diana Condrea
I'm a tour guide and amateur photographer. You can also find me on LinkedIn

We’ve teamed up with Roamaniac to organized the photo contest ‘Hiking in Romania’. Send in your finest two pictures of your hikes in Romania, and compete for one of four exciting prize packages!

The first prize package includes a night at ATRA Doftana guesthouse, plus a copy of ‘The Mountains of Romania’ by Cicerone Press and three Munţii Noştri maps. Prizes two to four comprise a copy of the guidebook and three Muntii Nostri maps each.

Submit your photos (landscape format, 1920px minimum on the longest side) by email from 01/09 until 22/09/2020, and encourage your friends to vote for their favorites on our Facebook pages until 27/09/2020.

hiking in Romania

Please read the guidelines here.

So give it your best shot, and email your pictures to and

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